linchpin up

Once a PinFile, topology, and optional layout are in place, provisioning can happen. Performing the command linchpin up should provision the resources and inventory files based upon the topology_name value. In this case, is dummy_cluster.

$ linchpin up
target: dummy_cluster, action: up
Action 'up' on Target 'dummy_cluster' is complete

Target              Run ID  uHash       Exit Code
dummy-new           83      a18e9a              0
dummy-topo          70      044695              0

As you can see, the generated inventory file has the right data. This can be used in many ways, which will be covered elsewhere in the documentation.

$ cat inventories/dummy_cluster-0446.inventory


To verify resources with the dummy cluster, check /tmp/dummy.hosts

$ cat /tmp/dummy.hosts

A subset of the hosts in a PinFile can be provisioned by listing each of them at the end of the command

$ linchin -vv up dummy-new

Target              Run ID  uHash       Exit Code
dummy-new           83      a18e9a              0

Preview Feature:

linchpin up and destroy includes –use-shell parameter which makes linchpin run as a subprocess rather than ansible api call usefull when we would like to overwrite environment varibles

$ linchpin -vvvv up dummy-new --use-shell --env-vars TESTENV testenv value