Source code for linchpin.hooks

# """
# example Pinfile for reference::
# ---
# openstack:
#   topology: ex_os_server.yml
#   layout: openshift-3node-cluster.yml
#   hooks:
#     postup:              # sub-state is specified
#         - name: do_something
#           type: shell
#           actions:
#             - samvaran
#         - name: manipulate_inventory
#           type: shell
#           path: /tmp/shellscripts
#           actions:
#             -
#         - name: post_up
#           type: ansible
#           actions:
#             - playbook: test_playbook.yaml
#               vars: test_var.yaml
#               extra_vars: { 'testvar': 'world'}
#     preup:              # sub-state is specified
#         - name: do_something
#           type: shell
#           actions:
#             - echo ' this is post up operation Hello hai how r u ?'
#         - name: build_openshift_cluster
#           type: ansible
#           actions:
#             - playbook: test_playbook.yaml
#               vars: test_var.yaml
#               extra_vars: { 'testvar': 'world'}
#     postdestroy:
#         - name: do_something
#           type: shell
#           actions:
#             - echo ' this is post up operation Hello hai how r u ?'
#         - name: postdown_task
#           type: ansible
#           actions:
#             - playbook: test_playbook.yaml
#               vars: test_var.yaml
#               extra_vars: { 'testvar': 'world'}
# """

import ast
import sys

from linchpin.hooks.action_managers import ACTION_MANAGERS
from linchpin.exceptions import ActionManagerError

[docs]class ActionBlockRouter(object): """ Proxy pattern implementation for fetching actionmanagers by name """ def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): self.__implementation = self.__get_implementation(name)(name, *args, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.__implementation, name) def __get_implementation(self, class_name): ''' Fetches implementation of lcass from linchpin.hooks.action_managers :param name: action manager class name ''' action_class = ACTION_MANAGERS.get(class_name, None) if action_class is None: raise ActionManagerError('Action Class {0}' 'not found '.format(class_name)) return action_class
[docs]class LinchpinHooks(object): def __init__(self, api): """ LinchpinHooks class constructor :param api: LinchpinAPI object """ self.api = api self.api.bind_to_hook_state(self.run_hooks) self._rundb = None self._rundb_id = None @property def rundb(self): return (self._rundb, self._rundb_id) @rundb.setter def rundb(self, data): self._rundb = data[0] self._rundb_id = data[1]
[docs] def prepare_ctx_params(self): """ prepares few context parameters based on the current target_data that is being set. these parameters are based topology name. """ topo_data = self.api.get_evar('topo_data') workspace = self.api.get_evar('workspace') inv_folder = self.api.get_evar('inventories_folder') topo_name = topo_data.get('topology_name') uhash = self.api.get_evar('uhash') ext = self.api.get_cfg('extensions', 'inventory') inv_file = '{0}/{1}/{2}-{3}{4}'.format(workspace, inv_folder, topo_name, uhash, ext) self.api.target_data['extra_vars'] = {} self.api.target_data['extra_vars']['inventory_dir'] = inv_folder self.api.target_data['extra_vars']['inventory_file'] = inv_file
[docs] def prepare_inv_params(self): target = self.api.get_evar('target', default=None) action = self.api.get_evar('_action', default='up') topology_data = {} layout_data = {} results_data = {} data, run_id = self._rundb.get_record(target, action=action, run_id=self._rundb_id) inputs = [i for i in data['inputs'] if data['inputs']] outputs = [i for i in data['outputs'] if data['outputs']] for inp in inputs: if 'layout_data' in inp: layout_data = inp if 'topology_data' in inp: topology_data = inp for out in outputs: if 'resources' in out: results_data = out return (topology_data, layout_data, results_data)
[docs] def run_hooks(self, state, is_global=False): """ Function to run hook all hooks from Pinfile based on the state :param state: hook state (currently, preup, postup, predestroy, postdestroy) :param is_global: whether the hook is global (can be applied to multiple targets) """ hooks_data = self.api.get_evar('hooks_data', None) self.prepare_ctx_params() # this will replace the above target_data and pull from the rundb # run_data = self.prepare_inv_params() if str(state) is 'postinv': run_data = self.prepare_inv_params() return self.run_inventory_gen(run_data) if hooks_data and str(state) in hooks_data: self.api.ctx.log_debug('running {0} hooks'.format(state)) # fetches all the state_data , ie., all the action blocks inside # state of the target state_data = hooks_data.get(str(state), None) # Print out error message if the hooks are not found if state_data is None: self.api.ctx.log_state('{0} hook not found' ' in PinFile'.format(state)) return # current target data extravars are fetched tgt_data = self.api.target_data.get('extra_vars', None) self.run_actions(state_data, tgt_data)
[docs] def run_inventory_gen(self, data): # determine provisioned resources # map outputted resources to inventory layout # save to file pass
[docs] def run_actions(self, action_blocks, tgt_data, is_global=False): """ Runs actions inside each action block of each target :param action_blocks: list of action_blocks each block constitues to a type of hook :param tgt_data: data specific to target, which can be dict of topology , layout, outputs, inventory :param is_global: scope of the hook example: action_block: - name: do_something type: shell actions: - echo ' this is 'postup' operation Hello hai how r u ?' """ if is_global: raise NotImplementedError('Run Hooks is not implemented \ for global scoped hooks') else: # a_b -> abbr for action_block for a_b in action_blocks: action_type = a_b['type'] ab_ctx = a_b['context'] if 'context' in a_b else False if 'path' not in a_b: # if the path is not defined it defaults to # workspace/hooks/typeofhook/name a_b['path'] = '{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/'.format( self.api.ctx.workspace, self.api.get_evar('hooks_folder', default='hooks'), a_b['type'], a_b['name']) if 'action_manager' in a_b: # fetches the action object from the path # add path to python path sys.path.append(a_b['path']) # get the module path module_path = '{0}/{1}'.format(a_b['path'], a_b['action_manager']) # get module src module_src = open(module_path, 'r').read() # strip .py ext from module path module_path = module_path.strip('.py') # strip .py ext from action_manager a_b['action_manager'] = a_b['action_manager'].strip('.py') # parse the module module_src = ast.parse(module_src) # get all classes inside the class classes = ([ for node in ast.walk(module_src) if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef)]) # choose the first name as the class name class_name = classes[0] # import the module with class name, it should work module = __import__(a_b['action_manager']) # get the class class_ = getattr(module, class_name) # a_b_obj is action_block_object a_b_obj = class_(action_type, a_b, tgt_data, context=ab_ctx) else: a_b_obj = ActionBlockRouter(action_type, a_b, tgt_data, context=ab_ctx) try: self.api.ctx.log_state('-------\n' 'start hook' ' {0}:{1}'.format(a_b['type'], a_b['name'])) # validates the class object a_b_obj.validate() # executes the hook a_b_obj.execute() # intentionally using print here self.api.ctx.log_state('end hook {0}:{1}\n-------'.format( a_b['type'], a_b['name'])) except Exception as e: self.api.ctx.log_info(str(e))