linchpin destroy

As expected, LinchPin can also perform teardown of resources. A teardown action generally expects that resources have been provisioned. However, because Ansible is idempotent, linchpin destroy will only check to make sure the resources are up. Only if the resources are already up will the teardown happen.

The command linchpin destroy will look up the resources and/or topology files (depending on the provider) to determine the proper teardown procedure. The dummy Ansible role does not use the resources, only the topology during teardown.

$ linchpin destroy
target: dummy_cluster, action: destroy
Action 'destroy' on Target 'dummy_cluster' is complete

Target              Run ID  uHash       Exit Code
dummy_cluster       71      0446                0

Verify the /tmp/dummy.hosts file to ensure the records have been removed.

$ cat /tmp/dummy.hosts


The teardown functionality is slightly more limited around ephemeral resources, like networking, storage, etc. It is possible that a network resource could be used with multiple cloud instances. In this way, performing a linchpin destroy does not teardown certain resources. This is dependent on each providers implementation.