Inventory Layouts

When generating an inventory, LinchPin provides some very flexible options. From the simple Layouts to much more complex options, detailed here.


New in version 1.5.2

When an layout is provided in the PinFile, LinchPin automatically generates a static inventory for Ansible. The inventory filename is dynamically generated based upon a few factors. However, the value can be overridden simply by adding the inventory_file option.

  inventory_file: /path/to/dummy.inventory
  .. snip ..

Using LinchPin or Ansible variables

New in version 1.5.2

It’s likely that the inventory file is based upon specific Linchpin (or Ansible) variables. In this case, the values need to be wrapped as raw values. This allows LinchPin to read the string in unparsed and pass it to the Ansible parser.

  inventory_file: "{% raw -%}{{ workspace }}/inventories/dummy-new-{{ uhash }}.inventory{%- endraw %}"

Using Environment variables

Additionally, using environment variables requires the raw values.

      ansible_user: root
      ansible_private_key_file: |
          "{% raw -%}{{ lookup('env', 'TESTLP') | default('/tmp', true) }}/CSS/keystore/css-central{%- endraw %}"