
Duffy is a tool for managing pre-provisioned systems in CentOS’ CI environment. The Duffy provider manages a single resource, duffy_node.


The duffy_node resource provides the ability to provision using the duffy api.

The ansible module for duffy exists in its own repository.

Using Duffy

Duffy can only be run within the CentOS CI environment. To get access, follow this guide. Once access is granted, the duffy ansible module can be used.

Additional Dependencies

Duffy doesn’t require any additional dependencies, but does need to be included in the Ansible library path to work properly. See the ansible documentation for help addding a library path.

Credentials Management

Duffy uses a single file, generally found in the user’s home directory, to provide credentials. It contains a single line, which has the API key which is passed to duffy via the API.

For LinchPin to provision, duffy.key must exist.

A duffy topology can have a credentials section for each resource_group, which requires a filename.

topology_name: topo
  - resource_group_name: duffy
    resource_group_type: duffy

      .. snip ..

    credentials: duffy.key

By default, the location searched for the duffy.key is the user’s home directory, as stated above. However, the credentials path can be set using --creds-path option. Assuming the duffy.key file was placed in ~/.config/duffy, using the topology described above, a provisioning task could occur.

$ linchpin -v --creds-path ~/.config/duffy up

Alternatively, the credentials path can be set as an environment variable,

$ export CREDS_PATH="~/.config/duffy"
$ linchpin -v up